By: Lisa B. Nelson and Elaine Parker
ALEC CEO Lisa B. Nelson and JCN Foundation President Elaine Parker joined the The Hugh Hewitt Show today to discuss the universal education freedom movement that is spreading across the states with the help of the Education Freedom Alliance (EFA). Nelson was joined by fellow EFA coalition leader Elaine Parker of the Job Creators Network.
We’ve been pushing education freedom for a long time and we’re finally seeing momentum in the last few years. We’re just thrilled to be sharing with people and organizations across the movement both Job Creators network, Doug Ducey’s organization, Citizens for Free Enterprise, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. There are a number of conservative and philosophically aligned organizations that are joining our Education Freedom Alliance. The most important thing is both getting the message out to both the legislators who are passing those policies in their states but more importantly even is just engaging the parents, engaging the students, and engaging the families in their states to understand that they’ve got a choice and they’ve got the ability to kind of make that happen in their state.
Nelson later commented on which states making strides on education freedom, including Louisiana.
All eyes should be focused on Louisiana. Their newly elected Governor Landry came in on the off year in 2023 and said I want to affect change on education choice and to be a part of this revolution. He has been working it through with his legislators. They passed it in the House and the Senate just last night passed it in the Education Committee with a few amendments. They’re still trying to work through some of that in the education committee. Following that, it’ll go to the Appropriations Committee, and then to the floor of the Senate and then back to the House for final passage and onto the governor’s desk for signature. We’re very hopeful that Louisiana will be the next state in our 25 by ’25.